East Markham County Primary School


At East Markham Primary School, you will find a supportive, friendly and professional environment, which is always welcoming. Our fantastic pupils are eager to learn and our excellent team are committed to raising standards and providing a high quality education for all of our children. 

Our vision is that all children at East Markham Primary School will be happy, successful learners who believe in themselves and achieve their full potential. With this always in mind, our school motto is ‘Believe, Achieve, Succeed’.

At East Markham Primary School, our respectful learners feel secure and have positive self-esteem. They develop a love of learning, are resilient and enjoy learning, including from their mistakes. They have courage in everyday situations, even when they feel unsure, and are a positive role model for our school community. Our passionate children stand up for what is right, are open minded and try their hardest in everything that they do. Whilst at East Markham, learners develop a growth mindset and are empathetic, considerate and respectful of others, living things and the environment.

Our staff and pupils live and breathe these values. They are used confidently in everyday conversation and form the backbone of our behaviour policy. Children of all ages understand the importance of our values and we strive to embed them in all that we do.

We are proud to be part of a supportive community, and place the utmost importance on forming close and lasting relationships with our children and their families. The support of our families is invaluable. We appreciate the home/school teamwork that is required to offer your children the best possible start to their education, and look forward to involving you in this journey.

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Contact Details

Contact Name
Mrs L Duggin and Mrs S Johnstone
Contact Position
Co-Head Teachers
01777 870439 01777 870439
East Markham County Primary School
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East Markham Primary School
Askham Road
East Markham
NG22 0RG
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When is it on
Open Monday to Friday 8.45 until 3.30pm, plus from Breakfast Club from 7.30am and After School Club until 5.45pm
Additional Local Offer Information

Local Offer

Contact Name
Mrs L Duggin
Contact Telephone
01777 870439
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Schools Extended Local Offer Response

1. What kinds of special educational needs does the school/setting make provision for?
  • Cognition & Learning needs
  • Communication & Interaction needs
  • Sensory, physical and/or medical needs
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs
2. (For mainstream schools & maintained nurseries only) How does the school/setting know if pupils need extra help and what should I do if I think that my child may have special educational needs?

Pupils have special education needs if they have a learning need that calls for special education provision to be made.  Pupils have a learning difficulty if they:

  • Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age
  • Have a disability which prevents or hinders the child from making use of educational facilities of the kind provided for children of the same age in other schools within the Local Education Authority
  • Is under compulsory school age and falls within the definitions above or would do so if special educational provision was not made for them
  • Receive additional input because they have exceptional ability in an area different to children of the same age in other schools

Pupils must not be regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because of language or if the form of language of their home is different from the language in which they will be taught.

3.a) How does the school/setting evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for pupils with special educational needs?

Once a child has been identified as having a SEND the school will ensure that effective provision is put in place.  The support provided consists of a four-part process: Assess, Plan, Do and Review.  Pupil progress will be monitored on a termly basis in line with the SEN Code of Practice.  Provision for SEND will be mapped, monitored, reviewed and evaluated in line with school systems for pupil progress.  Information from these pupil progress reviews will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of provision.

The SENCO in collaboration with the class teacher will decide the action required to help the pupil progress. These actions might include:

  • Use of different teaching and learning styles
  • Suggestions for work for teacher/TA to use with the pupil
  • Provision of alternative learning materials/special equipment
  • Group support including interventions
  • Staff development/training to undertake more effective strategies
  • Access to Local Authority support services for advice on strategies, equipment or staff training.

All interventions will be monitored and evaluated to see the impact of the intervention, to evaluate its effectiveness and to question why, if it does not move the pupils forward.

Provision maps will be updated termly, in collaboration with the children and their parents, so that all staff are aware of the priorities for individual children. 

In order to make consistent continuous progress in relation to SEND provision, the school encourages feedback from staff, parents and pupils throughout the year.  This takes place through one to one meetings (both formal and informal), multi-agency support and collaborative planning between the SENCO, class teachers, pupils (where appropriate), staff and parents.

There is an annual formal evaluation of the effectiveness of the school SEND provision and policy.  The evaluation is carried out by the SENDCO/Headteacher and SEND Governor and information is gathered from different sources such as child and parent surveys, teacher and staff surveys and parent consultation feedback.  This will be collated and published by the governing body on an annual basis in accordance with section 69 of the Children and Families Act 2014.

3.b) How will both the school/setting and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will the school/setting help me to support their learning?

The school uses a range of systems to ensure that progress and attainment of each child is closely monitored.  Reviews will be undertaken in line with agreed dates.  The review process will evaluate the impact and quality of the support and interventions.  It will also consider the views of the pupils and parents.  The class teacher, in conjunction with the SENDCo will revise the support and outcomes based on the pupil’s progress and development, making any necessary amendments going forward, in consultation with the parents and the pupil.  Review meetings will go ahead if parents do not attend the meeting.

If a child is not progressing or making improvements then meetings can be scheduled more frequently to monitor and set targets.

Parents will be provided with clear information about the impact of support to enable them to be involved in planning the next steps.

3.c) What is the school's approach to teaching pupils with special educational needs?

We believe that high quality teaching is the most effective way of supporting children in their learning.  In our school additional needs are quickly identified and addressed.  We have the support of a number of highly qualified and effective TAs who work alongside and support individuals and small groups.  We match our interventions closely to the needs of our children and offer tailored support where needed.  Through our positive behaviour strategies and ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants), we ensure positive metal health and well-being is embedded throughout school.

3.d) How will the curriculum and learning be matched to my child/young person's needs?

Pupils with SEND will be supported to access the curriculum through the specialist SEND provision provided by school as is necessary, as far as possible, in line with the wishes of the parents and the wishes and needs of the individual.

Every effort will be made to educate pupils with SEND alongside their peers in a mainstream classroom setting.  Where this is not possible, the SENDCO will consult with the child’s parents for other flexible arrangements to be made e.g. small group teaching or on an individual basis.

Quality first teaching and clear differentiation is key.  Children’s areas of need are identified and work is planned to address their needs.  We scrutinise assessment materials to identify areas of difficulty and provide appropriate intervention.  Staff use daily formative assessment to identify those children who may require additional support with specific concepts.

3.e) How are decisions made about the type and amount of support my child/young person will receive?

All pupils with SEND will have access to Element 1 and 2 of a school’s budget which equates to approximately 6 hours of support.  Some pupils with SEND may access additional funding.  This additional funding is routed through a budget which is devolved to and moderated by the Family of Schools (Newark and Tuxford).  Our family of schools consists of 15 primary schools.

For those children with the most complex needs, additional funding is applied for via the local authority, which is also accessed through the family of schools.  The Family SENDCO will refer individual applications to a multi-agency panel, which is administered by the Local Authority, who will determine whether the level and complexity of need meets the threshold for this specific funding.

Children are monitored carefully in the school and if they are displaying significant difficulties that are impacting on their education then the class teacher will initially discuss this with the SENDCO.  Together they will look at the provision and environment that the child accesses and look for things to be changed to see if it has an impact.  A graduated response will be implemented, following which a support package will be arranged (following consultations with parents).  This package may include support in the classroom, a referral to Springboard (termly meetings of the Family of Schools and Local Authority support services) and/or an application for additional funding.

3.f) How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

East Markham Primary School is an inclusive school, no child is excluded from any part of school life.  Where necessary, for example on a school trip, parents may be invited to support their child, or the school will make adaptions such as additional support or specialised equipment to enable your child to participate.

Child specific risk assessments are included, where appropriate, within a school visit risk assessment and personnel at the visit site are made aware of any children with additional needs.  We will always make reasonable adjustments for children bearing in mind the impact for ALL children.

3.g) What support will there be for my child/young person's overall well-being?

Every child’s well-being is our priority.  For children with additional needs, parents and the child (if appropriate) will be involved in any discussion to ensure that any service that is involved in providing support is absolutely right for that individual.

The SENDCO can also request consultation with a CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) professional to gain information and strategies to support the child and family alongside advising whether the threshold for CAMHS direct involvement has been met.

Staff at school have received quality training on well-being and mental health in children and as a school we are well equipped to help children deal with these needs.  Within the family of schools we also have access to a number of resources and expertise from colleagues and the Schools and Family Support Services.

The school has trained ELSA individuals (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) who have passed a recognised training course developed by the Educational Psychology Service.

4. (For mainstream schools and maintained nurseries) Who is the school/setting's special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) and what are their contact details.

SENDCO: Mrs Laura Duggin (Co-Head Teacher), contact number: 01777 870439, office@eastmarkham.notts.sch.uk

SEND Governor:    Mrs Clare Godley

5.a) What training have staff supporting special educational needs had and what is planned?

We aim to keep all school staff up to date with relevant training and developments in teaching practice in relation to the needs of pupils with SEND.

The SENDCO attends relevant SEND courses, Family SEN meetings and facilitates/signposts relevant SEND focused external training opportunities for all staff.

We recognise the need to train all our staff on SEND issues and we have funding available to support his professional development.  The SENDCO and Co-Head ensures that training opportunities are matched to school development priorities and those identified through the use of provision management.

In the last academic year (2021-2022) and to date (autumn term 2022) staff have had training on the following:

  • Attachment Theory 
  • Responding to Behaviour Attachment 
  • Restorative Behaviour Management 
  • SALT Communication Champion Narrative Intervention
  • Behaviour Training 
  • ELSA Training 
  • OPAL (Outside Play and Learning) Training
  • Coping with Risky Behaviour 
  • Precision Teaching
  • Whole School Approach to APDR
  • Making Sense of Autism
  • Understanding and Supporting Cognitive Load in the Classroom

Further training currently booked for later in the academic year (2023):

  • Making Sense of Autism
  • Understanding and supporting cognitive load in the classroom
  • Supporting effective transitions for pupils with SEND
5.b) What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the setting/school?
  • Educational Psychologists
  • School and Family Support Service (including specialist communication and interaction team, cognition and learning team, visual impairment team, hearing impairment team and early years team)
  • Medical Officers
  • Speech Therapists
  • Physiotherapists and Occupational Health therapists
  • Social services
  • Early Health practitioners
  • PSED team
  • BPBP (Bassetlaw Primary Behaviour Partnership)
  • Family Service
  • Early Help Unit
  • Newark and Tuxford Family SENCO
  • ICDS (Integrated Children’s Disability Service)
  • Healthy Families Team
  • Omega Solutions (Sensory Consultants)
  • PDSS (Physical Disability Support Service)
  • HRET (Health Related Education Team)
6. How will equipment and facilities to support pupils with special educational needs secured? How accessible is the school/setting?

The school has a range of specialist SEN facilities in place. These are:

  • Wheelchair access
  • Accessible toilet
  • Increased access to the curriculum and assistance during examinations
  • Highly qualified staff
  • Efficient level of TA support

A referral to the Physical Disability Service can be made for any equipment that the child may need whilst in school, such as plinths, walking aids, personal care requirements etc. The service also provide training for staff and support in writing health care plans, risk assessments and intimate care plans amongst other types of paperwork as required.

A referral for inclusive technology can also be made if the school feel that they cannot meet the needs of the child with the technology already available in school.

Please also refer to our Accessibility policy on the school website.

7. What are the arrangements for consulting parents of pupils with special educational needs? How will be I involved in the education of my child/young person?

East Markham Primary School believes that a close working relationship with parents is vital in order to ensure early and accurate identification and assessment of SEND leading to the correct intervention and provision continuing social and academic progress of children with SEND personal and academic targets are set and met effectively.

Parents are kept up to date with their child’s progress through progress reports, parent’s evenings, provision reviews, and reports at the end of each term.
In cases where more frequent regular contact with parents is necessary, this will be arranged based on the individual pupil’s needs. The SENDCO may also signpost parents of pupils with SEND to “Ask Us Nottinghamshire” (previously the Parent Partnership service) where specific advice, guidance and support may be required.

If an assessment or referral indicates that a pupil has additional learning needs the parents and the pupil will always be consulted with regards to future provision. Parents are invited to attend meetings with external agencies regarding their child, and are kept up to date and consulted on any points of action drawn up in regards to the provision for their child.

8. What are the arrangements for consulting young people with SEN and involving them in their education?

The children consult on setting their targets and identifying their own areas of need (as they get older). They may also attend meetings if they wish to do so. The views of the child are always sought when preparing for a review with parents and other agencies.

9. What do I do if I have a concern or complaint about the SEN provision made by the school/setting?

If a parent or carer has any concerns or complaints regarding the education, care or welfare of their child, an appointment can be made to speak to the class teacher, SENDCO or Head teacher.  The complaints procedure is defined in the school complaints policy and a copy of this can be found on the school website.

10. How does the governing body involve other organisations and services (e.g. health, social care, local authority support services and voluntary organisations) in meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and supporting the families of such pupils?

East Markham Primary School invites and seeks advice and support from external agencies in the identification and assessment of, and provision for, SEND. The SENDCO is the designated person responsible for liaising with the following:

  • Education Psychology Service
  • Specialist Local Authority services
  • ICDS
  • Medical and health related professionals
  • Speech and Language Service
  • Language and Learning Support Service
  • Specialist Outreach Services

Representatives from voluntary organisations and other external agencies are invited to liaison meetings throughout the year to discuss SEND provision and progress and keep staff up to date with legislation.

In cases where a child is under observation or a cause for concern, focused meetings will be arranged with the appropriate agency. Parents will normally be invited to and informed about any meetings held concerning their child unless there are over-riding safeguarding issues.

11. How does the school/setting seek to signpost organisations, services etc who can provide additional support to parents/carers/young people?

The school works closely with a number of external organisations and the SENDCO meets regularly with colleagues to update and discuss support and provision within the local area. This is also raised at individual pupil meetings.

Alternatively, parents can access Nottinghamshire’s local offer website which contains information about services available to families. This can be found at: www.nottshelpyourself.org.uk 

12. How will the school/setting prepare my child/young person to: i) Join the school/setting?

Extra visits to familiarise with the setting and staff can be arranged. Discussions are held with previous settings and parents to collect a clear picture of the children’s needs. Transition books/pictures/videos can be arranged so that the children can continue to familiarise themselves at home and share with key family members. We liaise with local playgroups, nurseries and private providers to ensure smooth transitions. This will include extra visits with members of staff, arranging meetings with parents and any other agencies involved. This will vary on the needs of the individual child.

ii) Transfer between phases of education (e.g. early years to primary, primary to secondary etc)?

Meetings between key staff, parents and the SENDCO are held to discuss needs and provision. Extra transition visits to new classes/staff can be arranged and booklets of photos put together for children to keep at home over the holidays. These can be used as a discussion/preparation for moving up. Some pupils are supported to make a pupil passport. 

There is an opportunity for an extended secondary transition package, with further bespoke transition arranged depending on how complex the child’s needs are. Staff at the chosen secondary school will be invited to visit the child at school and will be invited to attend all review meetings leading up to transition.

iii) Prepare for adulthood and independent living?

We encourage our children to be independent from the day that they start at our school.

Our PSHE curriculum focuses on the three core skills of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World and we provide opportunities for our children to interact with other adults and services.  We set high aspirations for our children and arrange series of assemblies and presentations from professionals and higher education establishments.

13. Where can I access further information?

Either contact the Headteacher or SENDCO on 01777 870439.

East Markham Primary School is a growing, popular village school whose setting provides every child with access to a broad and balanced education.   Everything we do is underpinned by our vision and values, developing learners who believe, achieve and succeed.

Visits to the school by prospective parents and families are encouraged and most welcome. Please contact the school office to make an appointment to meet with the headteacher and to see the school at work.

SEN Information Last Updated On: 26/02/2023


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