The Elizabethan Academy

We are an over-subscribed Good school in the heart of the market town of Retford.  We serve the town of Retford, as well as outlying villages within Nottinghamshire, Doncaster and Lincolnshire.  

Approximately 1200 students attend the school, including our 6th Form and we offer a broad and balanced curriculum through Key Stages 3 to 5.  

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Contact Details

Contact Name
Mrs C Horrocks
Contact Position
01777 713700 01777 713700
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Where to go

The Elizabethan Academy
Hallcroft Road
DN22 7PY
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The Elizabethan Academy is in a modern, state of the art building with a range of state of the art features.  

The academy holds Gold Artsmark status and has an extensive Expressive Arts faculty.  There are a range of ICT suites within the building as well as a traditional LRC lending library.  

The academy recently acquired equipment for a Crossfit Gym, which is open to both students at staff.  There are also a range of both indoor and outdoor sports facilities that are utilised for both lesson and extra-curricular activities, including a climbing wall.  The academy also has the largest Army Cadet force in the area.

Time, Costs and Availability


Age Ranges
11 - 18 years
Additional Local Offer Information

Local Offer


Our core purpose is to prepare students for the next steps in their lives and equip them with the skills, qualifications and knowledge to become high achieving well-rounded individuals, thus enabling them to reach their potential and achieve their aspirations and goals.

We are an inclusive and diverse community that respects others’ differences and promotes understanding and tolerance of others’ beliefs. This is reflected in our broad and balanced curriculum which reflects students’ aspirations and future local, national and international career opportunities.

We expect excellence from all: from the staff who work here, from the students who learn here and from the parents who choose to send their children here.  In return we offer students and staff an innovative, progressive, challenging but supportive environment in which to thrive.

Contact Name
Dawn Ager
Contact Telephone
01777 713700
Contact Email
SEN Information Report

Schools Extended Local Offer Response

1. What kinds of special educational needs does the school/setting make provision for?

The Elizabethan Academy caters for students with a range of Special Educational Needs and makes provision for the following categories of Special Education Needs:

  • Communication and Interaction.
  • Sensory and or Physical Disabilities.
  • Cognition and Learning.
  • Emotional, Social and Mental Health

These categories may include students with: Dyslexia, ASD, ADHD, Global Developmental Delay, Visual Impairments along with many others.  

2. (For mainstream schools & maintained nurseries only) How does the school/setting know if pupils need extra help and what should I do if I think that my child may have special educational needs?

When your child first comes to us we use information from:

  • primary school teachers, end of key stage 2 levels
  • base line testing and other initial tests in year 7
  • parents/carers, application form information
  • subject teachers
  • specialist colleagues, external agencies

As your child gets older we use information or referrals from:

  • termly assessments and interim data
  • subject teachers and tutors
  • parental concerns
  • external agencies

If your child needs to be assessed we would use a range of assessments depending on the area of need

If a family needs support we have good working relationships with outside agencies providing a range of services and a referral can be made to them.  

If you feel that your child may have additional needs that have not been identified then the first point of contact would be the Special Educational Needs Department or SENCo where we can discuss your concerns.

3.a) How does the school/setting evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for pupils with special educational needs?

The Academy has a range of highly qualified staff with knowledge, skills and expertise in working with students with various Special Educationa Needs. The school SENCo and Assistant SENCo co-ordinate the provision for students with SEND across the Academy, ensuring that students needs are identified and specialist support can be put in place where necessary.

Our programmes of bespoke Continuing Professional Development (CPD) ensures that staff within the SEND are constantly updating their knowledge and skills of SEND provision and interventions, thus providing them with up to the minute understanding and strategies to help meet the needs of all students. The school currently holds the Nottinghamshire Dyslexia Friendly Schools award and the National Autism Friendly Schools award.  Furthermore, the team share this expertise and knowledge of up-to-date best practice with all staff on a regular basis, to ensure that in-classroom provision is as good as it can be.

3.b) How will both the school/setting and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will the school/setting help me to support their learning?

Through our Assessment Points, Review meetings and Pastoral care we are able to monitor the progress and wellbeing of all students with SEND and to put in further interventions and support wherever necessary. This may be in the form of small group intervention sessions, one-to-one support in a certain area or through support within the classroom from one of our excellent Teaching Assistants. Our ongoing provision mapping of student support also allows us to ensure that support in class is targeted to where it is needed most.

We give you information on your child’s progress towards their expected grades through Progress Reports, Parents Evenings, SEND events and Review Meetings. 

3.c) What is the school's approach to teaching pupils with special educational needs?

We promote Quality First Teaching in the classroom and this is supported by Teaching Assistants for those with funding or needs that we feel would benefit from being supported in the classroom. There are literacy programmes in place for those students that are below age related expectations.

Some students that would benefit from a more primary based setting will transition from Year 6 into a small nurture group which provides more of a bridge between Primary and Secondary education.

Key Stage 4 students who may struggle with the academic rigour of a full set of GCSE core and option subject may be offered the opportunity to follow a Foundation Learning Pathway, which will provide additional English, Maths and Science, a reduced amount of options and a range of Unit Award Certificates linking to a range of vocational and academic areas.

3.d) How will the curriculum and learning be matched to my child/young person's needs?


All teachers have access to and regular updates on individual SEN needs and will adapt their lessons to meet these. School based training is built into staff development and includes different ways to differentiate to support the needs of different students. 

Within school there are a variety of staff roles to help us fully support your child, such as: SENCo, Assistant SENCo, Teaching Assistants, Key Workers, Learning Mentor, Heads of House, Tutors, Designated Teacher for Looked after Children and other support staff.



3.e) How are decisions made about the type and amount of support my child/young person will receive?

Support is put in place on a needs basis in relation to support capacity. Where students are funded for support, the Academy will always ensure that this support is put in place in full as first priority. Following this, decisions are made based on the judgements of teachers, learning support assistants and the SENCO based on observations, conversations about students and data analysis of progress. When it is deemed necessary that a child receives extra support, decisions will be made following meetings with relevant members of staff who will determine the nature and frequency of support.

3.f) How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

The Academy actively encourages all students to have access to a wide range of inclusive enrichment opportunities.  There are a variety of sports, interest and educational clubs available to students during lunchtimes and after school.

Curriculum Visits – All curriculum areas provide students with exciting visit opportunities throughout the year. All students are able to attend these trips.

Enrichment Visits – There are a variety of enrichment visits available to all students over the year. These come at a cost, but financial help can sometimes be obtained for Pupil Premium students.

3.g) What support will there be for my child/young person's overall well-being?

At The Elizabethan Academy we take our pastoral responsibilities seriously. We pride ourselves on providing a high level of student support and guidance, this initially comes from Form Tutors and Heads of House.

The Academy also provides a counselling service for students who need additional support. The Mental Health support team take referrals and come into school to work with individual and groups of students, as well as providing workshops for staff and parents.

The school has been successful in achieving the Wellbeing for Schools award, providing evidence of the work that is done to support students, staff and other stakeholders.

A breakfast club at the start of the school day is available and a supported area in Inclusion during lunch and break times is provided for more vulnerable students.

The building is fully wheelchair accessible with lifts and evac chairs in case of emergency.  There are a number of disabled toilets for students.

4. (For mainstream schools and maintained nurseries) Who is the school/setting's special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) and what are their contact details.

The core SEND Team comprises of:

Dawn Ager (Director of SEND)

Sally Wheatley (Assistant SENCo)

Contact details are:

Tel: 01777713700 ext 614 or ext 630


5.a) What training have staff supporting special educational needs had and what is planned?

Staff have undertaken a range of internal and external training based around the 4 areas of need, with ongoing development included as part of staff continuing professional development.

Specific areas that staff have had training on include:

  • Lifting and handling
  • CRB training
  • Attachment and Trauma training
  • Good Autism Practice and Leading Good Autism Practice
  • Interoception training and pilot programme
  • Dyslexia and morphology support
  • Working with young people with Downs Syndrome
  • Mental Health First Aid
  • Diabetes training
  • Anxiety and Mental Health
  • Young Peoples Mental Health training
  • Designated Teacher for Looked after Children training
  • BSquared Assessment training
  • Behaviour management training
  • Whole word approaches
  • Suction training


5.b) What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the setting/school?

The Academy regularly consults with professionals in a variety of fields to secure their support and guidance for students with complex needs.  The SENCo meets on a regular basis with the Educational Psychologist and specialists from the Support for Families and Schools Service. Referrals go through termly Springboard meetings and need parental consent for involvement.

We also liaise closely with a number of external agencies including, CAMHS; Early Help and Family Services and the Health Related Education Team. 

6. How will equipment and facilities to support pupils with special educational needs secured? How accessible is the school/setting?

The Academy is a fully accessible site with lifts and disabled facilities for students, staff and visitors. 

If the need arises The Elizabethan Academy will endeavour to secure funding for specialist equipment.

7. What are the arrangements for consulting parents of pupils with special educational needs? How will be I involved in the education of my child/young person?

The school will send home Progress reports each year which will show working at, projection and target levels and report on attitude to learning.

We welcome the involvement of parents/carers and do this through:

  • parents’ evenings
  • email
  • telephone calls
  • appointments made with individual teachers
  • review meetings
  • annual reviews (for those with an Education Health Care Plan)

The school provides information for parents through:

  • The news bulletin
  • Information on the website 
  • Open evenings
  • Letters home


8. What are the arrangements for consulting young people with SEN and involving them in their education?

Students are encouraged to:

  • collaborate on the production of their pupil passport
  • take part in pupil voice activities
  • attend review meetings
  • communicate any issues or concerns to key staff members
9. What do I do if I have a concern or complaint about the SEN provision made by the school/setting?

In the first instance contact the SENCo at to discuss the matter.

The Academy also has a formal complaints policy which can be found on the website.

10. How does the governing body involve other organisations and services (e.g. health, social care, local authority support services and voluntary organisations) in meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and supporting the families of such pupils?

The governing body includes a specific SEND governor who works closely with the SENCo to ensure that the Academy is committed to providing the very best support for SEND students, by working in partnership with a range of other agencies, services and organisations from across the health, care, education and voluntary sectors. 

11. How does the school/setting seek to signpost organisations, services etc who can provide additional support to parents/carers/young people?

If a need is identified for additional support for a child this will be done through consultation with parents and referrals will be made, where appropriate.  Referrals can also be made through termly Springboard meetings for SFSS intervention.

12. How will the school/setting prepare my child/young person to: i) Join the school/setting?

Many strategies are in place to enable your child’s transition to be as smooth as possible, these include:

  • Discussions with the previous and receiving educational establishments prior to the student joining or leaving. These could include: the SEN Department attending review meetings; observing the student in their current setting; exchanging information with relevant sources.
  • All Year 6 students attend transition sessions, including an extended SEN transition period.
  • Additional visits are arranged, where appropriate, for students who need extra time in their new Academy.
  • A summer school is run every year for Year 6 students to attend prior to starting at the Academy
  • The SEN Department are willing to speak to parents / carers prior to their child joining the Academy.
ii) Transfer between phases of education (e.g. early years to primary, primary to secondary etc)?

In preparation for completion of Year 11, careers and future plans are discussed at both Year 10 and Year 11 review meetings.

All students will receive careers guidance whilst at school and will be directed to suitable venues and courses with the support of key members of staff and parents.

SEN students are supported to attend college open days, complete the application process and attend induction days. Depending on the level of need this may include staff accompanying students and providing transport to and from the venue.

 As with transfer from Primary to Secondary, information will be shared with placements. This may include:

  • Support currently in place
  • Exam access arrangements
  • Academic Levels
  • Strategies used for effective working
iii) Prepare for adulthood and independent living?

We encourage participation in work experience in yr 10 for all pupils whatever their need or ability

We provide Impartial Careers Advice and Guidance (ICAG) to all our students to prepare for adulthood and further training or employment. For students with SEND, this support around transition starts in year 10 and continues throughout year 11 to ensure all options have been explored.

For students with an EHCP, an early review is held in the Autumn term of yr11 where ICDS will attend to examine and support with securing a place in their choice of post 16 provision.


13. Where can I access further information?

For further information see the SEND Policy which is on our website.

SEN Information Last Updated On: 26/11/2023


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