Albany Junior School

Albany Junior School

Mainstream junior school for boys and girls aged 7 - 11 years.

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Contact Name
Rosie Marshall
Contact Position
0115 9176550 0115 9176550 Fax: 0115 9499916 Fax: 0115 9499916
Albany Junior School
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Albany Junior School
25, Pasture Road
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Monday to Friday 9am -4pm


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Additional Local Offer Information

Local Offer


Updated July 2023

To be Review Summer 2024

Contact Name
Rosanne Marshall (SENCo)
Contact Telephone
0115 917 6550
Contact Email

Schools Extended Local Offer Response

1. What kinds of special educational needs does the school/setting make provision for?

At Albany Junior School, we make provision for SEND children who, have Communication and Interaction difficulties including Autism, have Cognition and Learning difficulties including Dyslexia and Social and emotional difficulties including anxious learners and Physical and Medical needs including hearing loss and Loss of sight.

2. (For mainstream schools & maintained nurseries only) How does the school/setting know if pupils need extra help and what should I do if I think that my child may have special educational needs?

At Albany Junior School we monitor all children’s progress termly. We look closely at the rate of progress that children should be making and compare it to National Expectations. We use a data tracking program called INSIGHT this allows all staff to monitor every child in the school if necessary. Within this the whole school data is broken down by year group and class we also analyse vulnerable groups data of which SEND children are included.

This is then further broken down into an SEND data report for the Head and Goverors. If a child makes no progress or ‘inadequate’ progress over a considerable amount of time (a full term), they will be monitored closely and often entered into the following terms intervention groups. Parents will be informed either at parents evening or through an informal meeting.

Parents are informed via a letter if their child is involved in any of the intervention groups run. The child’s class teacher will keep a log of any in-class concerns and then speak with the SENDCO to discuss how we could improve provision and give extra support to identified children. If you have a concern about your child, we would encourage you in the first instance to contact their class teacher.


3.a) How does the school/setting evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for pupils with special educational needs?

Intervention is monitored every term to measure the progress that has been made. Entry and exit testing is carried out for all intervention programmes to monitor the amount of progress made and the impact of the support that children have received. Observations of the teaching of intervention are also carried out during the school year.

3.b) How will both the school/setting and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will the school/setting help me to support their learning?

You will be informed about the progress of your child through termly reviews/parents’ evenings. You are also welcome to talk to their class teacher at any time in the year to discuss concerns. Teachers and the SENDCO will give advice on how you can support your child’s learning at home. Parents are given data/progress up dates at all parents evenings too and in their end of year report.

3.c) What is the school's approach to teaching pupils with special educational needs?

Here at Albany Junior School we are committed to raising the standards in education. We hope that all children, including those with SEND will reach their full potential. We aim to use a wide range of strategies and intervention programmes, which enable us to respond to the individual and diverse needs of each child. We always strive for children with SEND to progress at the same rate as every other child.

3.d) How will the curriculum and learning be matched to my child/young person's needs?

Albany Junior School provide a creative curriculum which has been developed since 2017 and is now fully in place. This ensures all children are exposed to challenging lessons, challenging vocabulary and as much knowledge about subjects as they can be. We follow the new National Curriculum which structures our planning and topics coverage over the course of a year. We look to engage and challenge all learners using a wide range of differentiated activities which match the children’s diverse and specific needs. Through observations and regular assessment, we can identify the children’s ‘next steps’ and where they may need further support. Each child on the SEND register has a personalised curriculum map completed.

3.e) How are decisions made about the type and amount of support my child/young person will receive?

At the beginning of each term the Senior Leadership Team identify groups of children and individuals who are making ‘inadequate or no progress’ over a considerable period of time. The SENDCo will discuss with the class teacher particular children who are being closely monitored in order to identify the specific difficulties that the child is experiencing. We would then tailor intervention and support to match these difficulties in order to ‘fill the gap/narrow the gap’ as quickly as possible.  You will be informed about the progress of your child and if we feel that external support is needed, we would begin to gather evidence to see if a further assessment is appropriate for your child. We will then discuss our observations and concerns with you and identify together the next steps we wish to take.

3.f) How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

We aim to include all children in our curriculum enrichment and extra-curricular  activities. After school clubs are fully inclusive to all pupils and every child’s needs will be considered and catered for. Whilst planning school trips, a risk assessment will be carried out which enables us to identify specific support which might be required. We will provide any necessary support which might be required for your child to ensure that their experience is successful.

3.g) What support will there be for my child/young person's overall well-being?

Every child’s emotional development is a priority for each class teacher. We recognise that some children have social and emotional difficulties and therefore we supply opportunities to support these needs through a range of intervention. For example some children access Managing Emotions sessions or/ and a Lunchtime Club for targeted children. Selected Year 6 children have also been trained to be Mental Health Ambassadors. In 2019 we appointed PAS Plant a Seed- a private provision to support children and their families in the home too. The measure of impact is monitored and recorded in various ways for nurture-based intervention. The Reach is a counselling service that works with children and families who have been referred .Sometimes it may be appropriate to explore further referrals to outside agencies such as CAMHS. Albany Juniors is also part of the ‘Schools Behaviour and Attendance Partnership’ where advise and support can be sort.

4. (For mainstream schools and maintained nurseries) Who is the school/setting's special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) and what are their contact details.

The SENDCO at Albany Junior School is Mrs Rosanne Marshall.

Contact details:
T: 0115 9176 550

5.a) What training have staff supporting special educational needs had and what is planned?

Mrs Rosanne Marshall has received The National SENDCO award with Nottingham Trent University in Nov 2022 (the Headteacher- former SENDco – has this award also). The teachers and TA’s have had a wide range of training over the years which has been shared amongst the team to widen the breadth of knowledge and skills. For example we have staff trained in range of interventions that cover reading, writing, maths and emotional wellbeing including:

  • Trauma and attachment
  • Foetal alcohol syndrome
  • Executive functioning
  • Practical solutions to Trauma and attachment
  • Emotion coaching
  • Secondary Trauma
  • Behaviour and the physical environment
  • SNIP – Literacy program
  • Differentiation
  • Gender Identity
  • Switch on Reading
  • Read, Write,Inc
  • Lexia
  • CRB
  • Pathological demand avoidance
  • Dyslexia friendly schools
  • Return to School post Covid
  • B Squared assessment.

What training took place 2019-20? (Pre Covid)

  • B Squared Training
  • PPG Update
  • Phonics Observation and Training
  • UEB Mathematics introductory training online.
  • Adaptations  for the teaching and Examination of Mathematics for Blind and Partially Sighted Pupils. Caring for Vulnerable Children- online
  • Managing Behaviour for Learning- online
  • Understanding ADHD: Current Research and practice- online
  • Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences and Early trauma- online
  • Understanding Autism
  • Inclusive Education- knowing what we mean- online
  • Childhood in Crisis- online
  • Repair of Early Trauma: A Bottom up Approach
  • How Ofsted will inspect your SEND provision- online
  • Creating an Inclusive Classroom using ICT- - online
  • Caring for Vulnerable Children- online
  • Loss, Bereavement and Change, Coronovirus and Beyone- online
  • Understanding your DFE Statutory Requirements. Developing and Implementing Best Practice Methods in SEND Risk Assessment- online
  • The Big Transitions for Autistic and SEND Pupils after Lockdown- online
  • Understanding Autism and ADHD- online
  • Attachment in Early Years- online
  • Introduction to Child Psychology- online
  • Supporting Children’s Development- online

What training took place 2020-21?

  • Phonics Sept
  • Pre key Standards- A refresher
  • Barriers, Solutions and Silver Linings: Remote Learning for students with SEND- online
  • HT Inductions- SEND The Strategic Leadership of SEND- online
  • Inclusive Curriculum through the Ofsted Lens- online
  • EHCP- online
  • Level 1 sensory processing
  • Level 2 certificate in understanding children and young people's mental health
  • Level 2 in children's wellbeing
  • Certificates of participation from The Open University:
  • Attachment in the Early Years
  • Introduction to child psychology
  • Supporting children and young people's wellbeing
  • Teaching mathematics
  • Certificate of achievement from Coventry University- Managing mental health and stress
  • University of Derby - Understanding autism, aspergers and ADHD

What training took place 22-23?

  • SENDco Induction sessions x10- online
  • Little Wandle Phonics training
  • NASENDco Award achieved  Nov 22
  • Controlling Risky Behaviours (CRB) update
  • Supporting the Lowest 20% readers.
  • Dyspraxia
  • Building School’s Confidence in identifying and managing dyslexia.
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Network.
  • Special Educational Needs overview, Needs in our setting, legislation and historical context.

What training happened in 22-23?

  • Understanding Autism- Communication and Interaction team.
  • Inclusive Classrooms: Adaptive Teaching Strategies to support Learners with Cognition and Learning Needs SSFS Karen Firth et al.
  • ATTEND training NCC
  • NASEN Whole School SEND: Creating an emotionally safe environment.
  • NASEN Whole School SENS: Creating a socially safe environment.
  • NASEN Whole School SENS: Creating a physically safe environment.
  • An Introduction to Acquired Brain Injury
  • Transforming challenging behaviours
  • Understanding ADHD- Open University
  • Understanding and Supporting Phonological Awareness and Spelling
  • Engagement model
  • Developing the use of ICT for children with SEND needs- South West
  • Mental Health: Anxiety Anna Freud
  • Education Leaders SEND/ CQC Inspection- NCC
  • How to achieve outstanding- Helen Youngman.
  • ELSA training
5.b) What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the setting/school?

At Albany Junior School we have regular contact with outside agencies and professionals who offer a range of support to help us meet the needs of the children with SEND. These services include:

  • Family SENCo
  • The Reach- Counsellor/therapist
  • PAS Plant a Seed- Multi systemic therapy/Behaviour specialists
  • Primary behaviour support team (PSED) (SBAP)
  • Paediatricians
  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • SFSS school and families specialist services
  • Communication and Interaction Team.
6. How will equipment and facilities to support pupils with special educational needs secured? How accessible is the school/setting?

Resources and informative books can be found in the SENDCO room (SEND base). There may also be personal resources in classrooms or in the TA hub. Equipment and resources are available for the use of all Teachers and TA’s. The school building and site is fully accessible for wheelchair users. We also have a disabled toilet with showering and changing facilities. A disabled parking bay is available in the car park. The school regularly considers the needs of disabled pupils and visitors to ensure it is accessible for all users.

7. What are the arrangements for consulting parents of pupils with special educational needs? How will be I involved in the education of my child/young person?

We welcome parents into school and value their views and opinions. We encourage your input in decision making with regards to your child. This is often done as part of review meetings or class parents’ evenings. Children on the SEND register will have regular targets set as part of an Individual provision map and will be worked on within class. The school SENDCO ensures she is readily available for informal drop ins whereby parents can share any new or on-going concerns.

8. What are the arrangements for consulting young people with SEN and involving them in their education?

Children who are on the SEND register will have a termly Individual provision map and regular small targets will be shared with them as part of in class practice. Children are invited to be part of the review and are given an opportunity to share their views. Children who receive additional funding also have a case study where key information is recorded and available to view by staff who teach the child. PEN Portraits, where pupils’ views are gained are updated regularly and shared in review meetings with parents.

9. What do I do if I have a concern or complaint about the SEN provision made by the school/setting?

If a parent or carer has any concerns or complaints regarding the care or welfare of their child, an appointment can be made by them to speak to the Head teacher or the SENDCO, who will be able to advise on formal procedures for complaint.

10. How does the governing body involve other organisations and services (e.g. health, social care, local authority support services and voluntary organisations) in meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and supporting the families of such pupils?

The governing body has due regard to the Code of Practice when carrying out its duties toward all pupils with special educational/additional needs.

The governing body does its best to secure the necessary provision for pupils identified as having special educational/additional needs. The governors ensure that all teachers are aware of the importance of providing for these children. They consult the LA and other schools, when appropriate.  Governors try to keep abreast of SEND policies by attending relevant training events.

The governing body has identified a governor who has specific oversight of the school’s provision for pupils with special educational needs. The SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) governor ensures that all governors are aware of the school’s SEND/AN (Additional Needs) provision, including the deployment of funding, equipment and personnel. This is Gemma Marshall.

11. How does the school/setting seek to signpost organisations, services etc who can provide additional support to parents/carers/young people?

The school website signposts parents to the Nottinghamshire County Council Local Offer. This is a website created by Health, Social Care and Education partners and informs parents about a wide range of services that they may be able to access. Our school has strong links with a range of agencies who are available to support children and their families. There are also often leaflets and posters in the school reception area for support and advice.

12. How will the school/setting prepare my child/young person to: i) Join the school/setting?

In preparation for joining Albany Junior school we work closely with our feeder infant school to make the transition of settling in run as smoothly as possible for all children. In the Spring term webegin our ‘Have a go sessions whereby the Year 2 children come and experience some year 3 lessons. We run different transition visits in the summer term where Year 2 children can experience Junior School Life. This includes a class swap visit where they meet their new teacher, two/three taster afternoons whereby they join in with lessons.  An evening meeting for Year 2 parents is held towards the end of the summer term so that they can meet the Head Teacher and their child’s class teacher. We also hold social event such as discos and film nights. In order to meet the needs of particular children we can offer a more in depth transition programme with the support of outside agencies to include extra visits and activities. Certain children with high level needs are also given a bespoke extra transition programme. This is to meet the needs of the individual.

ii) Transfer between phases of education (e.g. early years to primary, primary to secondary etc)?

At Albany Junior School we prepare the year 6 children in a variety ways. We have strong links with all of our feeder secondary schools where transition days are planned in well in advance of the new school year. All assessments and files are passed on to the feeder schools to ensure they are aware of all of the children needs. The SENDCO meets with the feeder school SENDCO for a thorough hand over regarding key children and their needs. Children with high level needs are included in extra transition visits or sessions.

iii) Prepare for adulthood and independent living?

We endeavour to encourage independence in all of our children starting in year 3 when they arrive. We hope to instill the love of lifelong learning and promote a healthy ethos for education. We equip them with the necessary skills to move from setting to setting through a thorough transition programme.

13. Where can I access further information?

If you wish to access further information please see the schools latest SEND policy on the website: or contact the school via email:

Review Summer 2024

SEN Information Last Updated On: 28/06/2023


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